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Author (up) Title Publication Track Year
Balogh, Z.; Gatial, E.; Dolatabadi, S.H.; Dlugolinský, Štefan; Saltarella, M.; Scipioni, M.P.; Grunwald, D.; Przybyszewski, M.P.; Majlingova, A.; Brodrechtova, Y.; Mojir, K.Y.; Olson, N.; Levak, J.; Chandramouli, K. Communication Protocol for using Nontraditional Information Sources between First Responders and Citizens during Wildfires Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Technologies for First Responders 2023
Carolyn Huston; Jennifer Davis; Petra Kuhnert; Andrew Bolt Creating Trusted Extensions to Existing Software Tools in Bushfire Consequence Estimation Proceedings of the ISCRAM Asia Pacific Conference 2022 Analytical Modelling and Simulation 2023
Humaira Waqas; Muhammad Imran #CampFireMissing: An Analysis of Tweets About Missing and Found People From California Wildfires Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management T8- Social Media in Crises and Conflicts 2019
Mojir, K.Y.; Maceviciute, E.; Olson, N.; Gatial, E.; Balogh, Z. Citizen Engagement in wildfire management: needs, challenges, methods and framework Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Volunteers in Crisis Management/Emergency Response 2023
Zelenka, J.; Kasanický, T.š; Gatial, E.; Balogh, Z.; Majlingová, A.; Brodrechtova, Y.; Kalinovská, S.; Rehák, R.; Semet, Y.; Boussu, G. Coordination of Drones Swarm for Wildfires Monitoring Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Technologies for First Responders 2023