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Aarland, M. (2023). Digital Supply Chain Cyber Risks in the Power Industry: A resilience framework. In Jaziar Radianti, Ioannis Dokas, Nicolas Lalone, & Deepak Khazanchi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference (p. 1080). Omaha, USA: University of Nebraska at Omaha.
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Aarland, M., Radianti, J., & Gjøsæter, T. (2023). Using System Dynamics to Simulate Trust in Digital Supply Chains. In Jaziar Radianti, Ioannis Dokas, Nicolas Lalone, & Deepak Khazanchi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference (pp. 516–529). Omaha, USA: University of Nebraska at Omaha.
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