Faisal Luqman, & Martin Griss. (2011). Leveraging mobile context for effective collaboration and task management. In E. Portela L. S. M.A. Santos (Ed.), 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: From Early-Warning Systems to Preparedness and Training, ISCRAM 2011. Lisbon: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Collaboration and task management is challenging in distributed, dynamically-formed teams, typical in large scale disaster response scenarios. Ineffective collaboration may potentially result in poor performance and loss of life. The increased adoption of sensor rich mobile devices allow for mobile context to be leveraged. In this paper, we present Overseer, an agent-based system that exploits context information from mobile devices to facilitate collaboration and task allocation. We describe how mobile context can be used to create dynamic role-based assignments to enhance collaboration and effective task management.