Aarland, M. (2023). Digital Supply Chain Cyber Risks in the Power Industry: A resilience framework. In Jaziar Radianti, Ioannis Dokas, Nicolas Lalone, & Deepak Khazanchi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference (p. 1080). Omaha, USA: University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Abstract: The goal of this industrial PhD is to investigate how to include resilience into a cyber-security strategy to safeguard vital infrastructure. Critical infrastructure is increasingly susceptible since businesses are using technology more often. These infrastructures are also components of a vast, integrated, and increasing digital supply chain that transcends national boundaries, adding to the difficulties. A bigger attack surface where an attacker might use vulnerabilities contained in suppliers' and sub suppliers' chains could come from this extension of the digital supply chain. The study will add to our understanding of how to manage intricate supply chains in critical infrastructure with stringent dependability requirements. The digitalization processes in the supply chain include changes to the organizational structure, necessitating a robust strategy for continual improvement. The research question for this project is as follows: How can a resilience framework contribute to managing the complex digital supply chain for stakeholders in the power industry? The system dynamic (SD) approach will be used to generate a simulation based on the findings from each of the methods. Previous supply chain research has demonstrated that SD modelling is an effective strategy for building resilience in supply networks. To comprehend and examine the behavior of dynamic and complex systems, the notion of SD was established. The theory of system dynamics is based on the idea that actions done in systems will change the system, which will then lead to new actions. To collect primary data the qualitative method chosen as most suitable the semi-structured interview. To understand a social phenomenon, one needs to listen to people who reflect on their own experiences, knowledge, and motivation. Through interviews, it is possible to go into depth on the phenomenon and gather complex and rich data that is not available through literature review only. Contributions from this Ph.D. study are grouped into two categories: academia and organization. Further understanding regarding supply chain vulnerability and the implementation of potential techniques and ideas in novel contexts are academic contributions. The development of the resilience framework, which aims to address the difficult problem of managing stakeholders in the digital supply chain, is a contribution made by the organizations. The goal for CIs is to have resilient DSCs that can withstand and improve from high-pressure situations. Improving DSC resilience requires an understanding of the supply chain network that includes suppliers’ and their sub-suppliers’ incentives, all the way to its downstream customers’ incentives. By understanding the structure of the system, the ability to ascertain the behavior of the system increases, providing opportunities to better manage the system. If we can harness the positive incentives for collaboration and social connection the road to a more resilient CI that is available when the society require it becomes easier.
Briony Gray, Mark Weal, & David Martin. (2018). Building Resilience in Small Island Developing States: Social Media during the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season. In Kristin Stock, & Deborah Bunker (Eds.), Proceedings of ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018: Innovating for Resilience – 1st International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Asia Pacific. (pp. 469–479). Albany, Auckland, New Zealand: Massey Univeristy.
Abstract: There are growing concerns that future Atlantic hurricane seasons will be severe and unpredictable due to underlying factors such as climate change. The 2017 season may offer a range of lessons, especially to small island developing states (SIDS), who are looking to build community resilience and heighten community engagement to cope with disaster. While many SIDS utilise a range of media and technology for these purposes, there has been a recent uptake in the use of social media, which may have further potential to support their goals. This paper scopes the use and users of social media in the case of Antigua and Barbuda during the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. Through a series of qualitative interviews it explains the role that social media currently has, and concludes with suggestions for its improvement in future seasons that are contextualized over the disaster lifecycle phases.
Kamil Panitzek, Tobias Bönning, Immanuel Schweizer, Gero Seipel, & Max Mühlhäuser. (2012). Enhancing robustness of first responder communication in urban environments. In Z.Franco J. R. L. Rothkrantz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2012 Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.
Abstract: Communication is crucial for first responders. Crisis management is nearly impossible without good means of communication. Unfortunately the communication technology used by first responders today does not scale well. Also most of the given infrastructure, such as cell towers, might be destroyed. In recent research ad-hoc and peer-to-peer based communication has been proposed to solve the problem of resilient communication. Most mobile devices are equipped with wireless transceivers that make them suitable to participate in ad-hoc networks. But node density might be too small for a connected topology. In this paper we, therefore, discuss the implications of an emergency switch for private wireless routers allowing them to transition to an emergency mode to create a supportive wireless mesh network. To analyze if such a network would result in a resilient topology real data from wireless routers in a city is gathered. We calculate the locations of private and public routers from GPS traces and compare the resulting networks with each other. © 2012 ISCRAM.
James Fielding Smith, & Teo A. Babun Jr. (2014). The port resiliency program (PReP): Upgrading Latin American and Caribbean ports. In and P.C. Shih. L. Plotnick M. S. P. S.R. Hiltz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings – 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 538–545). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
Abstract: Improving resiliency of airports and seaports can accelerate both humanitarian relief and economic and social recovery in regions struck by natural or manmade disasters. Ports are a critical element of effective disaster response, evacuation, and recovery. They are also essential to social and economic recovery following a disaster, especially on islands dependent on trade and isolated areas such as in the Latin America and the Caribbean region. The Port Resiliency Program (PReP) presents a practical framework to enhance port resiliency and improve evaluation to support continuous improvement. Approaches include analyzing strengths and weaknesses, fostering understanding, communication, and cooperation among stakeholders, caching essential resources ahead of time, building a comprehensive archive of literature, and targeting exercises to close gaps in preparedness.
Hüseyin Can Ünen. (2012). Developing a framework for a social vulnerability and consequence-based post-disaster behavior analysis methodology. In Z.Franco J. R. L. Rothkrantz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2012 Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.
Abstract: The proposed study is expected to focus on the less investigated areas by the previous seismic risk analyses in Turkey. Most of the existing loss assessment methodologies focus on structural damage, infrastructural damage, economic impact, and casualties. However, affected population estimates and development of plans for the immediate needs and recovery requirements of the surviving population are also of equal importance. The proposed framework in this aspect will be utilizing previous social vulnerability and seismic loss assessment studies to develop an analysis methodology for affected population and social response analyses. The methodology is expected to help response planners and decision makers in determining the needs for the surviving population in the recovery process. © 2012 ISCRAM.