Marion Lara Tan, Sara Harrison, Julia S. Becker, Emma E.H. Doyle, & Raj Prasanna. (2020). Research Themes on Warnings in Information Systems Crisis Management Literature. In Amanda Hughes, Fiona McNeill, & Christopher W. Zobel (Eds.), ISCRAM 2020 Conference Proceedings – 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 1085–1099). Blacksburg, VA (USA): Virginia Tech.
Abstract: Early Warning Systems (EWS) are crucial to mitigating and reducing disaster impacts. Furthermore, technology and information systems (IS) are key to the success of EWSs. This systematic literature review investigates the research topics and themes from the past six years of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) conference proceedings and seeks to identify the research developments and directions for EWSs to steer a discourse to advance the research in this field. Findings from a sample size of 60 papers show that there are technical, social, and topical considerations to using and advancing technology for EWSs. While technology has advanced EWSs to new levels, it is important to consider the influence of technology in the successful operation of EWSs. The results are based on the ISCRAM proceedings literature and may be broader or have different prioritization if a wider disciplinary body of literature was explored. This will be considered in the future.