Records |
Author  |
David Mendonça; Frank Fiedrich |
Title |
Design for improvisation in computer-based emergency response systems |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
99-104 |
Keywords |
Information systems; Multi agent systems; Computer based training; Distributed simulations; Emergency response; Emergency response systems; Improvisation; Plan execution; Research questions; Three dimensions; Emergency services |
Abstract |
This paper explores the design of training environments in which emergency response professionals can use information technologies to train for responding to unplanned-for situations. This approach – designing for improvisation – is fundamentally different than designing for plan execution. In this paper, we identify three dimensions of this difference and outline a set of research questions that are intended to lead to a better understanding of the role of improvisation in emergency response, as well as how it can be trained for and supported. Both questions are intertwined, since without a firm understanding of how improvisation occurs it is difficult to train for and support it. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
Information Systems Department, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 323 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Newark, NJ 07102, United States; Institute for Technology and Management in Construction, Karlsruhe University, Am Fasanengarten, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems Design |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
170 |
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Author  |
Edward Mahinda; Brian Whitworth |
Title |
Evaluating flexibility and reliability in emergency response information systems |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
93-98 |
Keywords |
Emergency services; Information systems; Surveys; Customizability; Emergency Response Information Systems; Emergency response systems; Evaluation; Flexibility; System breakdown; Tailorability; Reliability |
Abstract |
Flexibility, variously known as adaptability, tailorability, and customizability, has long been recognized as important in information system (IS) success. Reliability has known value in IS for the resulting predictability it bestows on a system. However increasing flexibility can increase possible paths for system breakdown, and so contribute to failure, i.e. increasing flexibility can reduce reliability. Reliability and flexibility seem in design “tension”, as one creates change and the other resists it. The combination of reliability and flexibility has been called “ robustness”, and it seems a desirable integration particularly for emergency response systems. However typically these two areas are studied separately. Our approach to evaluating the combination of reliability and flexibility is to define two distinct requirements that neither overlap nor contradict, and can be assessed by system users. A questionnaire instrument for users is proposed for measurement of the flexibility and reliability of a system. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
New Jersey Institute of Technology, University Heights, Newark NJ, United States |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems Design |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
161 |
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Author  |
Jan Otten; Bart Van Heijningen; Jeff Lafortune |
Title |
The Virtual Crisis Management Centre: An ICT implementation to canalize information |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
21-26 |
Keywords |
Information systems; Better performance; Crisis management; Environmental disasters; Information exchanges; Netherlands; Structural information; Web-based applications; Information management |
Abstract |
In The Netherlands a special crisis team is active for environmental disasters. This team is called BOT-mi. The Virtual Crisis Management Centre is an application specially made to structure communication and information exchange as a tool to support BOT-mi. This web based application is not only an information website, but it is also an activation page for structural information gathering, notification and mobilization. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
Respond, Jules Verneweg 121, 5015 BK Tilburg, Netherlands; ATsence BV, Biltstraat 449, 3507 LE Utrecht, Netherlands; International Safety Research, 457-A Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON, KIN 6Z4, Canada |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
180 |
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Author  |
Jonas Landgren |
Title |
Fire crew enroute sensemaking in emergency response |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
87-92 |
Keywords |
Fire protection; Information systems; Design implications; Emergency response; Ethnography; Fire crews; Incident commander; Sensemaking; Emergency services |
Abstract |
Reconstruction of major emergencies and crisis as well as observations of large-scale emergency exercises are common approaches for studying and understanding various actors work practice in emergency response. Studies of small-scale emergencies using an ethnographic approach are less common. This paper presents data from a single small-scale emergency as part of an extensive ethnographical field study. A detailed analysis of fire crew enroute sensemaking in a single small-scale emergency is outlined. The theory of sensemaking is applied as an analytical lens aiming to explain the communication between the command centre operator and the fire crew in terms of sensemaking. Further, implications for re-design of existing systems and infrastructure are presented as well as brief reflections of the consequences of such re-design. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
Viktoria Institute, University of Gothenburg, Horselgangen 4, Gothanburg, Sweden |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems Design |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
150 |
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Author  |
Marcel D.E Van Der Lee; Marcel Van Vugt |
Title |
IMI – An information system for effective Multidisciplinary Incident Management |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
15-19 |
Keywords |
Command and control systems; Disaster prevention; Disasters; Military applications; Command and control; Crisis response; Daily routines; Disaster management; Distributed operations; Electronics laboratories; Fire department; Incident Management; Information systems |
Abstract |
The field of crisis response and disaster management can be characterized, upon many other factors, by distributed operations, not daily routine work and multidisciplinary aspects. In designing and developing information systems for crisis response these factors need special attention. On behalf of regional emergency services, TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory designed and guided commissioning of the IMI project (Information System for Multidisciplinary Incident Management). Four regional fire departments in Zuid-Holland decided to develop the information system. The Rotterdam region was selected as project pilot. The IMI-project was carried out with experiences and a background of military command and control where the above three factors also play a major role. In this paper we will elaborate on the reasons behind the design of the functionalities of the IMI-system. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
TNO Physics and Electronics Laboratory, P.O. Box 96864, 2509 JG, The Hague, Netherlands |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
229 |
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Author  |
Maria A. Santos; António Gonçalves; Sandra Silva; Nuno Charneca; Miguel Gamboa |
Title |
Dam break emergency response Information System |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
27-32 |
Keywords |
Civil defense; Dams; Disaster prevention; Disasters; Information systems; Internet; Management information systems; Reservoirs (water); Risk management; Dam-breaks; Emergence; Emergency management systems; Emergency Response Information Systems; Hazard identification; Internet based; Internet-based applications; Vulnerability reductions; Emergency services |
Abstract |
Although considered of low risk, incidents with dams may cause significant damage both directly and indirectly. Direct losses are usually easier to assess (assuming human lives are quantifiable), but indirect losses are difficult to measure and may take some time before the original situation is restored. Disaster prevention and vulnerability reduction have been topics of major concern in many local, national or international organisations for some years. These can be accomplished through emergency management which begins with hazard identification and planning for disaster mitigation but encompasses other activities as risk analysis, risk response and recovery. Therefore, an emergency management system with capacity to: i) forecast critical situations; ii) warn the population as well as the authorities; and iii) support the civil protection system to deal with an emergency, is a most helpful tool to minimize the impact of an accident. The Information System described herein fulfils mainly the third objective, i.e. it is intended to help the Civil Protection System in Portugal, to respond to an emergency caused by the failure of a dam. It is an Internet-based application, which integrates all relevant data for the implementation of a dam emergency plan. These data include the main characteristics of the dam and its reservoir, the character-isation of the dam downstream valley as well as the response procedures to be followed in an emergency. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
National Civil Engineering Laboratory, Av. do Brasil, 101, 1700-066 Lisboa, Portugal; Rua Tomás da Anunciaça̧o, 21-4 Esq, 2675-456 Odivelas, Portugal |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
198 |
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Author  |
Marnix De Ridder; Chris Twenhöfel |
Title |
The design and implementation of a decision support and information exchange system for nuclear emergency management in the Netherlands |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
33-38 |
Keywords |
Artificial intelligence; Decision support systems; Information dissemination; Information systems; Risk management; Communication facilities; Crisis management; Design and implementations; Emergency response; Information exchange system; Information exchanges; Information infrastructures; Nuclear emergencies; Information management |
Abstract |
An information system for decision support and information exchange is designed and a prototype has been build for use in the Back Office Radiological Information (BORI) of the EPAn; the Dutch nuclear emergency organisation. System developments are directed at a fast and efficient production of a radiological status report and the improvement of information exchange and communications between the participating institutes of BORI. Special attention has been given to network security and the information infrastructure to manage virtual workplaces. We have chosen for a standard web based system development for the presentation and communication facilities. This is supplemented by a GIS based system for the aggregation of measurement data and model calculations. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
Laboratory for Radiation Research, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, Netherlands |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
98 |
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Author  |
Paul McGinnity; David Pollard; David Dawson |
Title |
A management information system to support the radiological protection institute of Ireland's emergency response role: Design and implementation |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
39-44 |
Keywords |
Civil defense; Management information systems; Nuclear reactor accidents; Risk management; Design and implementations; Emergency preparedness and response; Emergency response management; Management information system (MIS); National emergencies; Nuclear accidents; Nuclear emergencies; Radiological protection; Emergency services |
Abstract |
A recent review of the procedures covering the RPII's responsibilities under the National Emergency Plan for Nuclear Accidents has shown the need for a management information system (MIS) to support the organisation's operational plan for emergency preparedness and response. This paper describes the design objectives and the development of a prototype version of this system. Specific functions of the MIS are highlighted along with a description of the motivation behind their development. This very simple MIS has already helped RPII staff members to operate more efficiently. Finally, some ideas for future development are outlined. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII), 3 Clonskeagh Square, Clonskeagh Road, Dublin 14, Ireland |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
167 |
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Author  |
Regis Elbez; Tacis Alevantis |
Title |
The role of CECIS – Common Emergency Communication and Information System |
Type |
Conference Article |
Year |
2004 |
Publication |
Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Abbreviated Journal |
ISCRAM 2004 |
Volume |
Issue |
Pages |
81-85 |
Keywords |
Hardware; Cecis; Emergency communication; Emergency response; Information systems |
Abstract |
We present in this paper the motivation for the European Common Emergency Communication and Information System CECIS, its objectives and functionalities. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004. |
Address |
Monitoring and Information Center, DG Environment D.3, European Commission, B-1049 Brussels, Belgium |
Corporate Author |
Thesis |
Publisher |
Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium |
Place of Publication |
Brussels |
Editor |
B. Van de Walle, B. Carle |
Language |
English |
Summary Language |
English |
Original Title |
Series Editor |
Series Title |
Abbreviated Series Title |
Series Volume |
Series Issue |
Edition |
2411-3387 |
9076971080 |
Medium |
Track |
Emergency Response Information Systems Design |
Expedition |
Conference |
1st International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management |
Notes |
Approved |
no |
Call Number |
Serial |
105 |
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