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Author (down) Ryan K. Williams; Nicole Abaid; James McClure; Nathan Lau; Larkin Heintzman; Amanda Hashimoto; Tianzi Wang; Chinmaya Patnayak; Akshay Kumar
Title Collaborative Multi-Robot Multi-Human Teams in Search and Rescue Type Conference Article
Year 2020 Publication ISCRAM 2020 Conference Proceedings – 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2020
Volume Issue Pages 973-983
Keywords Search \& Rescue; Autonomy; Lost-Person Modeling; GIS; Visualization
Abstract Robots such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deployed for search and rescue (SAR) can explore areas where human searchers cannot easily go and gather information on scales that can transform SAR strategy. Multi-UAV teams therefore have the potential to transform SAR by augmenting the capabilities of human teams and providing information that would otherwise be inaccessible. Our research aims to develop new theory and technologies for field deploying autonomous UAVs and managing multi-UAV teams working in concert with multi-human teams for SAR. Specifically, in this paper we summarize our work in progress towards these goals, including: (1) a multi-UAV search path planner that adapts to human behavior; (2) an in-field distributed computing prototype that supports multi-UAV computation and communication; (3) behavioral modeling that yields spatially localized predictions of lost person location; and (4) an interface between human searchers and UAVs that facilitates human-UAV interaction over a wide range of autonomy.
Address Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Virginia Tech Place of Publication Blacksburg, VA (USA) Editor Amanda Hughes; Fiona McNeill; Christopher W. Zobel
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-1-949373-27-87 ISBN 2411-3473 Medium
Track Technologies for First Responders Expedition Conference 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Notes rywilli1@vt.edu Approved no
Call Number Serial 2288
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