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Author Jorge Vargas-Florez; Grovher Palomino; Andres Flores; Gloria Valdivia; Carlos Saito; Daniel Arteaga; Mario Balcazar; Miguel Fernandez; José Oliden
Title Identifying potential landslide location using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Type Conference Article
Year 2019 Publication Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2019
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Susceptibility mapping, disaster prevention, landslides, drones
Abstract The impact of landslides is determined by the previous state of vulnerability and susceptibility present in a

community. Vulnerability is related to physical aspects and susceptibility is defined as the propensity or

tendency of an area to be affected by the occurrence of a given hazard. Knowledge of geography allows us to

characterize and measure some of these factors. For example, in landslides called huaicos in Peru, these are

related to the existence of a slope and soil type of the hills favorable to the loosening of land masses, as well as

the increase in rainfall and the presence of streams. The use of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, commonly

called drones) for the identification of susceptibility zones is presented in this paper. The result is positive for

using the georeferenced data to identify potential landslide flow using as unique criterion surface slopes.
Address Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Peru;National University of Engineering, Peru
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Iscram Place of Publication Valencia, Spain Editor Franco, Z.; González, J.J.; Canós, J.H.
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title (down) Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2411-3387 ISBN 978-84-09-10498-7 Medium
Track T6- Geospatial Technologies and Geographic Information Science for Crisis Management (GIS) Expedition Conference 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2019)
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 1887
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