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Author (up) Cruz, J.A. dela; Hendrickx, I.; Larson, M.
Title Towards XAI for Information Extraction on Online Media Data for Disaster Risk Management Type Conference Article
Year 2023 Publication Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2023
Volume Issue Pages 478-486
Keywords Disaster Risk Management; Information Extraction; Explainable AI (XAI); Explainabilit
Abstract Disaster risk management practitioners have the responsibility to make decisions at every phase of the disaster risk management cycle: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. The decisions they make affect human life. In this paper, we consider the current state of the use of AI in information extraction (IE) for disaster risk management (DRM), which makes it possible to leverage disaster information in social media. We consolidate the challenges and concerns of using AI for DRM into three main areas: limitations of DRM data, limitations of AI modeling and DRM domain-specific concerns, i.e., bias, privacy and security, transparency and accountability, and hype and inflated expectations. Then, we present a systematic discussion of how explainable AI (XAI) can address the challenges and concerns of using AI for IE in DRM.
Address Centre for Language Studies, Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University; Centre for Language Studies, Centre for Language and Speech Technology, Radboud University; Centre for Language Studies,Inst. for Computing and Information Sciences,Radboud University
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher University of Nebraska at Omaha Place of Publication Omaha, USA Editor Jaziar Radianti; Ioannis Dokas; Nicolas Lalone; Deepak Khazanchi
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Hosssein Baharmand Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition 1
Track Social Media for Crisis Management Expedition Conference
Notes http://dx.doi.org/10.59297/BHAE3912 Approved no
Call Number ISCRAM @ idladmin @ Serial 2541
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