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Author Osaragi, T.; Suematsu, T.; Oki, T.; Kakizaki, A.
Title Local Disaster Mitigation Technology with Travel Support Application Type Conference Article
Year 2023 Publication Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2023
Volume Issue Pages 112-125
Keywords Travel Support Application; Rescue Activity; Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem; Field Experiment
Abstract Efficient and rapid rescue activities are vital in the immediate aftermath of a large-scale disaster. However, the locations of the tasks requested (e.g. rescues, relief, special care, and assistance) and those who support, assist, or respond are often spatially separated. In this paper, we developed a Web application (travel support application) to support the efficient travel of responders by integrating a method of optimizing travel and navigation for rescue activities and a system of real-time disaster information collection and sharing. We then demonstrated the efficiency of the travel support application through some field experiments. Also, we conducted a demonstration experiment assuming a flood disaster at the crisis management office of a local government. Finally, the possibility of using the developed system at non-emergencies was examined to address the common problem of disaster prevention systems.
Address University at Albany
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher University of Nebraska at Omaha Place of Publication Omaha, USA Editor Jaziar Radianti; Ioannis Dokas; Nicolas Lalone; Deepak Khazanchi
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Hosssein Baharmand Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition 1
Track Technologies for First Responders Expedition Conference
Notes http://dx.doi.org/10.59297/EKEQ4568 Approved no
Call Number (up) ISCRAM @ idladmin @ Serial 2511
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