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Author Arjen Schmidt; Jeroen Wolbers; Kees Boersma; Julie Ferguson; Peter Groenwegen
Title Are you Ready2Help? Dilemmas in organizing citizen response to disaster Type Conference Article
Year 2016 Publication ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Abbreviated Journal ISCRAM 2016
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Citizen Response; Social Media; Net-Centric Coordination; Command And Control
Abstract Over the last decade, the disaster response landscape is increasingly complemented by voluntary citizen initiatives on digital platforms. These developments have opened up opportunities for response agencies and NGOs to organize local community involvement. In this paper we focus on the question how citizen involvement can be proactively organized toward disaster relief and what kind of dilemmas may arise in this process. We studied Ready2Help, an online platform developed by the Dutch Red Cross. Bringing together 36.000 volunteers, the platform plays a significant role in addressing the current refugee crisis. In our analysis we demonstrate the platform?s potential, but also note a tension between control and cooperation. Our results indicate that, in contrast to their initial objective, during the crisis the Red Cross falls back on principles of control to organize citizen response efforts. We end by discussing our future research agenda aimed at bridging formal and emergent citizen responses.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Place of Publication Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Editor A. Tapia; P. Antunes; V.A. Bañuls; K. Moore; J. Porto
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title (down)
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2411-3388 ISBN 978-84-608-7984-9 Medium
Track Community Engagement and Practitioner Studies Expedition Conference 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Notes Approved no
Call Number ISCRAM @ idladmin @ Serial 1411
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