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Author (up) Rode-Hasinger, S.; Haberle, M.; Racek, D.; Kruspe, A.; Zhu Xiao Xiang
Title TweEvent: A dataset of Twitter messages about events in the Ukraine conflict Type Conference Article
Year 2023 Publication Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2023
Volume Issue Pages 407-416
Keywords Conflict; Ukraine; Dataset; Social Media; NLP
Abstract Information about incidents within a conflict, e.g., shelling of an area of interest, is scattered amongst different data or media sources. For example, the ACLED dataset continuously documents local incidents recorded within the context of a specific conflict such as Russia’s war in Ukraine. However, these blocks of information might be incomplete. Therefore, it is useful to collect data from several sources to enrich the information pool of a certain incident. In this paper, we present a dataset of social media messages covering the same war events as those collected in the ACLED dataset. The information is extracted from automatically geocoded Twitter text data using state-of-the-art natural language processing methods based on large pre-trained language models (LMs). Our method can be applied to various textual data sources. Both the data as well as the approach can serve to help human analysts obtain a broader understanding of conflict events.
Address Technical University of Munich; Technical University of Munich; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat M¨unchen; Technische Hochschule N¨urnberg; Technical University of Munich
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher University of Nebraska at Omaha Place of Publication Omaha, USA Editor Jaziar Radianti; Ioannis Dokas; Nicolas Lalone; Deepak Khazanchi
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Hosssein Baharmand Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition 1
Track Social Media for Crisis Management Expedition Conference
Notes http://dx.doi.org/10.59297/AIDF1102 Approved no
Call Number ISCRAM @ idladmin @ Serial 2535
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