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Author (up) Dirk Fahland; Timo Mika Gläßer; Bastian Quilitz; Stephan Weißleder; Ulf Leser
Title HUODINI-flexible information integration for disaster management Type Conference Article
Year 2007 Publication Intelligent Human Computer Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM 2007 Academic Proceedings Papers Abbreviated Journal ISCRAM 2007
Volume Issue Pages 255-262
Keywords Disaster prevention; Information management; Information retrieval; Semantic Web; Disaster management; Flexible integration; Heterogeneous data sources; Information integration; ITS architecture; Satellite images; Semantic integration; Semantic Web technology; Disasters
Abstract Fast and effective disaster management requires access to a multitude of heterogeneous, distributed, and quickly changing data sets, such as maps, satellite images, or governmental databases. In the last years, also the information created by affected persons on web sites such as flickr.com or blogger.com became an important and very quickly adapting source of information. We developed HUODINI, a prototype system for the flexible integration and visu-alization of heterogeneous data sources for disaster management. HUODINI is based on Semantic Web technologies, and in particular RDF, to offer maximal flexibility in the types of data sources it can integrate. It supports a hybrid push/pull approach to cater for the requirements of fast-changing sources, such as news feeds, and maximum performance for querying the integrated data set. In this paper, we describe the design goals underlying our approach, its architecture, and report on first experiences with the system.
Address Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM Place of Publication Delft Editor B. Van de Walle, P. Burghardt, K. Nieuwenhuis
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2411-3387 ISBN 9789054874171; 9789090218717 Medium
Track DSM Expedition Conference 4th International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 479
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