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Author (up) Nurollahian, S.; Talegaonkar, I.; Bell, A.Z.; Kogan, M.
Title Factors Affecting Public’s Engagement with Tweets by Authoritative Sources During Crisis Type Conference Article
Year 2023 Publication Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2023
Volume Issue Pages 459-477
Keywords Crisis Informatics; Social Media; Public Engagement; Authoritative Sources; Topic Modeling
Abstract People increasingly use social media at the time of crisis, which produces a social media data deluge, where the public may find it difficult to locate trustworthy and credible information. Therefore, they often turn to authoritative sources: official individuals and organizations who are trusted to provide reliable information. It is then imperative that their credible messages reach and engage the widest possible audience, especially among those affected. In this study, we explore the role of metadata and linguistic factors in facilitating three types of engagement — retweets, replies, and favorites— with posts by authoritative sources. We find that many factors are similarly important across models (popularity, sociability, activity). However, some features are salient for only a specific type of engagement. We conclude by providing guidance to authoritative sources on how they may optimize specific types of engagement: retweets for information propagation, replies for in-depth sense-making, and favorites for cross-purpose visibility.
Address University of Utah; University of Utah; University of Utah; University of Utah
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher University of Nebraska at Omaha Place of Publication Omaha, USA Editor Jaziar Radianti; Ioannis Dokas; Nicolas Lalone; Deepak Khazanchi
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Hosssein Baharmand Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition 1
Track – Social Media for Crisis Management Expedition Conference
Notes http://dx.doi.org/10.59297/AVHJ5856 Approved no
Call Number ISCRAM @ idladmin @ Serial 2540
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