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Author (up) Tasneem, F.; Chakraborty, S.; Chy, A.N.
Title An Early Synthesis of Deep Neural Networks to Identify Multimodal Informative Disaster Tweets Type Conference Article
Year 2023 Publication Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2023
Volume Issue Pages 428-438
Keywords Early Fusion; Crisis Tweets; BERT-LSTM; ResNet50; Multimodal Framework
Abstract Twitter is always worthwhile in facilitating communication during disasters. It helps in raising situational awareness and undertaking disaster control actions as quickly as possible to alleviate the miseries. But the noisy essence of Twitter causes difficulty in distinguishing relevant information from the heterogeneous contents. Therefore, extracting informative tweets is a substantial task to help in crisis intervention. Analyzing only the text or image content of the tweet often misses necessary insights which might be helpful during disasters. In this paper, we propose a multimodal framework to address the challenges of identifying informative crisis-related tweets containing both texts and images. Our presented approach incorporates an early fusion strategy of BERT-LSTM and ResNet50 networks which effectively learns from the joint representation of texts and images. The experiments and evaluation on the benchmark CrisisMMD dataset show that our fusion method surpasses the baseline by 7% and substantiates its potency over the unimodal systems.
Address University of Chittagong; University of Chittagong; University of Chittagong
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher University of Nebraska at Omaha Place of Publication Omaha, USA Editor Jaziar Radianti; Ioannis Dokas; Nicolas Lalone; Deepak Khazanchi
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Hosssein Baharmand Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition 1
Track Social Media for Crisis Management Expedition Conference
Notes http://dx.doi.org/10.59297/OMIR7766 Approved no
Call Number ISCRAM @ idladmin @ Serial 2537
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