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Author Geoffrey Hoare; Jeffrey Nield; Tom Belcuore; Tom Rich
Title Information needs and decision support in health and medical disasters Type Conference Article
Year 2008 Publication Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Abbreviated Journal ISCRAM 2008
Volume Issue Pages 778-786
Keywords Artificial intelligence; Database systems; Decision making; Decision support systems; Disaster prevention; Disasters; Health; Information systems; Decision makers; Decision supports; Disaster management; Incident command systems; Incident Management; Information overloads; Medical decision making; Medical systems; Information management
Abstract During a disaster, health and medical decision makers need accurate, timely information. However, it is seldom readily available to the right decision makers, at the right time. Quite a number of databases currently exist with information about health and medical organizations which decision makers need during a disaster. Some of these databases have functions that facilitate decision-making and communication before, during and after a disaster. In theory, linking several existing databases will supply this information. Also, other functions can be provided in one package for incident management and monitoring of the preparedness capacity of a State's health and medical systems. But, this has not happened yet in Florida. This research assessed the different users needs, defined the information required to make good decisions and is testing a pilot decision support system of linked databases.
Address (up) Florida Department of Health, United States; ESS Group, United States; Abt Assoc., United States
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM Place of Publication Washington, DC Editor F. Fiedrich, B. Van de Walle
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2411-3387 ISBN 9780615206974 Medium
Track Applications for Mitigating Information Overload Expedition Conference 5th International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 586
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