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Author Manon Grest; Matthieu Lauras; Benoit Montreuil
Title A Humanitarian Supply Chain Maturity Model Type Conference Article
Year 2020 Publication ISCRAM 2020 Conference Proceedings – 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Abbreviated Journal Iscram 2020
Volume Issue Pages 613-621
Keywords Maturity Assessment, Performance, Humanitarian Organization, Supply Chain.
Abstract Over the past decades, humanitarian organizations have largely been criticized for their lack of effectiveness regarding their mission of assisting vulnerable population. However, few researches have investigated what ideal should humanitarian organizations tend toward and the path to undertake in such transformation. In this perspective, this paper intends to overcome this situation by proposing a supply chain maturity model specifically addressed to the humanitarian sector. In the form of a two-dimension matrix, the table aims at: 1) Objectify one organization's position regarding its transformation journey 2) Depending on the organization, identify the specific improvement areas and suggest their sequence. An instantiation of the maturity model is also proposed through the case of the Indonesian red cross.
Address IMT Mines Albi; IMT Mines Albi; Georgia Institute of Technology
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Virginia Tech Place of Publication Blacksburg, VA (USA) Editor Amanda Hughes; Fiona McNeill; Christopher W. Zobel
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 978-1-949373-27-57 ISBN 2411-3443 Medium
Track Practitioner-centered Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Crisis Response Expedition Conference 17th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Notes manon.grest@mines-albi.fr Approved no
Call Number Serial 2258
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