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Author (up) Daniel Iland; Elizabeth Belding
Title Dynamic, Data-Driven Optimization of Solar Powered Charging Kiosks for Crisis Response Type Conference Article
Year 2016 Publication ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Abbreviated Journal ISCRAM 2016
Volume Issue Pages
Keywords Solar Power; Charging Kiosk; Emergency Power; Current Limiting; Rapid Reconfiguration
Abstract In this paper, we describe methodologies for using portable, solar powered charging kiosks to provide mobile phone charging to communities following a disaster. We do not strive to provide a comprehensive alternative to grid power, rather we focus on charging mobile phones and other battery-powered devices. The small size of portable solar systems come with a trade-off: demand for power may exceed battery capacity and solar power generation. In such cases, power output must be regulated in order to maintain the functionality of the system, or the system may be modified to produce more power by adding more solar panels, or to store more power by adding additional batteries. We model user demand for power and kiosk power generation, battery status, and power output to inform the development, deployment, operation and reconfiguration of such kiosks following a disaster.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Place of Publication Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Editor A. Tapia; P. Antunes; V.A. Bañuls; K. Moore; J. Porto
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2411-3400 ISBN 978-84-608-7984-21 Medium
Track Analytical Modeling and Simulation Expedition Conference 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 1340
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Author (up) Duco N. Ferro; Jeroen M. Valk; Alfons H. Salden
Title A robust coalition formation framework for mobile surveillance incident management Type Conference Article
Year 2007 Publication Intelligent Human Computer Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM 2007 Academic Proceedings Papers Abbreviated Journal ISCRAM 2007
Volume Issue Pages 479-488
Keywords Artificial intelligence; Decision support systems; Knowledge management; Robustness (control systems); Security systems; Coalition formations; Coordination; Incident Management; Mobile surveillance; Reconfiguration; Scale-space; Network security
Abstract Given unexpected incidents on routes of guards that check security objects, like banks, one of the most challenging problems is still how to support improvisation by security personnel in taking decisions to prevent or resolve such incidents. Another as important associated problem is how a security company can naturally take advantage of its existing and novel knowledge about its organizational and ICT infrastructures, and the introduction of a decision support system to help leverage of improvisation by humans. To tackle all this, on the one hand we present a dynamic coalition formation framework that allows the (re)configurations of agents that are associated with joint tasks in situational contexts to be evaluated by appropriate value functions. On the other hand, we present a dynamic scale-space paradigm that allows a security company to distill ranked lists of robust context-dependent reconfigurations at critical scales. We highlight the merits of ASK-ASSIST as a solution to the problem of supporting human improvisation.
Address Almende B. V., Netherlands
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM Place of Publication Delft Editor B. Van de Walle, P. Burghardt, K. Nieuwenhuis
Language English Summary Language English Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 2411-3387 ISBN 9789054874171; 9789090218717 Medium
Track IMPR Expedition Conference 4th International ISCRAM Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 489
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