Colleen J Buono, Theodore C. Chan, William G. Griswold, Ricky Huang, Fang Liu, James Killeen, et al. (2008). WIISARD: Wireless internet information system for medical response to disasters. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (126). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Called the Wireless Internet Information System for Medical Response in Disasters, or WIISARD, the use of sophisticated wireless technology to coordinate and enhance care of mass casualties in a terrorist attack or natural disaster is the focus of a federally funded research project at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). The project brings together broad-based participation from academia, industry, the military, and emergency responders from the City and County of San Diego.
Ian Carpenter. (2008). Implementing CAP and EDXL standards to enhance web-based crisis management. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (2). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: In response to the Australian Federal Government's legislative changes, including the Disaster Management Act 2003, both State and Local Government are finding it necessary to work ever more closely to ensure the successful development, approval and operation of local disaster management plans and activities. Working closely with numerous Local governments and their stakeholders, Faulkner Technologies has developed a web-based information management exchange to facilitate the timely and accurate collation, dissemination and sharing of event-related information during an incident or disaster. Challenges such as geographically-dispersed operations, information management, communication management, reporting and logging and capturing key learnings are common to all local councils. Our web-based information management exchange dovetails with both the paper-based Standard Operating Procedure and multiple communication systems significantly enhancing the management of disasters and incidents. In conjunction with NICTA (National ICT Australia) and their Smart Applications for Emergencies (SAFE) project, the solution uses the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) and Emergency Data eXchange Language (EDXL) standards for message distribution.
Jerome A. Duval. (2008). WebEOC Resource Manager® a collaborative framework: Developing standard Resource Management processes for disaster relief. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (127). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: I will demonstrate ESi's WebEOC Resource Manager® tool, which enables users to catalog and deploy resources in a manner that is compliant with FEMA's National Incident Management System (NIMS). The system is a proven and tested deployed in over 25 states throughout the U.S. The tool provides real-time data sharing in a collaborative and fast-paced environment.
Mark Gaynor, Alan Pearce, & Scott Brander. (2008). Open infrastructure for a nationwide emergency services network. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 133–138). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: The paper suggests and supports a public policy in which the Federal Communications Commission should seize a unique opportunity to resolve some of the nation's critical communications problems in times of crises with the allocation of a portion of the spectrum at 700 MHz for the deployment of a nationwide interoperable emergency broadband wireless network built by a public-private partnership. It then presents a convincing theoretical model that advocates that an open and/or neutral, as opposed to a closed, network will add greater efficiency, greater choice, while advancing public safety along with the deployment of new and valuable technologies, applications and services.
Aamir Mahmood, Konstantinos Koufos, & Krisztina Cziner. (2008). Multicast voice performance within a public safety cell. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 18–24). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: In public safety communications the first responders are getting directions about the tactical action plan with multicast voice whereas they can report back to the dispatcher with unicast voice. In this paper, the aim is to find the maximum number of voice calls for situation reporting in the presence of multicast voice for tactical coordination. In order to increase the reliability of our analysis we verify our simulator against a test bed prototype consisting of three 802.11 terminals. The simulation study is applied within a mobile cell. The proposed mobility model applies for initial deployment in emergency scenarios. We investigate the statistical properties of the model by simulations.
Steven McGee, & Reverend Kathy Graves. (2008). The International Heartbeat Beacon for interoperability & synchronicity of event, alert data. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 128–133). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: The Heartbeat Beacon addresses data temporal / exchange interoperability gaps by stipulating CAP instantiated data exchanges for military, first responder, and commercial stake holder domains by standardizing data exchange formats, symbol sets, event refresh rates enabling direct collaboration with military telemetry systems using commercial products. Multicast radius will be adjustable e.g., increase / decrease with audible tones based on business logic / military mission thread logic according to threshold rules visually displayed as concentric color band expansion / collapse based on DHS five level color / audible advisory schemes. Alert, evacuation, alternate routing of transportation assets, medical triage will then are adjustable. Organizations through router/switch updates via heartbeat messages will enable spontaneous integration of disparate communities of interest allowing the network to be maneuvered in response to unified events and alerts.
Louis-Francis Pau, & Peter Simonsen. (2008). Emergency messaging to general public via public wireless networks. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 3–11). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Warnings to the broad population in an emergency situation, irrespective of location and condition, is a public policy responsibility. Public wireless networks offer now the opportunity to deliver emergency warnings in this way with explanations, because in many countries the mobile penetration rates and coverage are higher than any other access form. The paper summarizes the analysis of the selection process between Short messaging services (SMS) and Cell Broadcast (CB) messaging in the context of Denmark based on end user requirements, stakeholder roles and case-based analysis. It demonstrates the many technical, cost-benefit and other trade-offs needed in supporting the population now with a dependable and wide-spread technology. This research is the basis for a national policy.
Giorgio Rascioni, Susanna Spinsante, Ennio Gambi, & Daniele Falcone. (2008). DTT technology for rural communities alerting. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 12–17). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: The transition from analog to digital television broadcasting has opened the way to a number of new services, enabled by the advanced potentialities offered by interactive applications. Considering the wide diffusion of TV receivers among people living both in towns and rural areas, and how many people, either old or young, educated or not, are familiar with the TV box, it is reasonable to exploit such a capillary and widespread technology to reach immediately and directly almost the total population in a certain area. Among the possible applications, emergency and alert information dissemination can play a vital role in improving the communities response and reaction to natural or man made disasters. Focusing on this topic, this paper proposes an alert dissemination service exploiting an MHP interactive application developed ad hoc for DVB-T broadcasting, to force the direct delivery of emergency information to TV users.