Arjen Schmidt, Jeroen Wolbers, Kees Boersma, Julie Ferguson, & Peter Groenwegen. (2016). Are you Ready2Help? Dilemmas in organizing citizen response to disaster. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: Over the last decade, the disaster response landscape is increasingly complemented by voluntary citizen initiatives on digital platforms. These developments have opened up opportunities for response agencies and NGOs to organize local community involvement. In this paper we focus on the question how citizen involvement can be proactively organized toward disaster relief and what kind of dilemmas may arise in this process. We studied Ready2Help, an online platform developed by the Dutch Red Cross. Bringing together 36.000 volunteers, the platform plays a significant role in addressing the current refugee crisis. In our analysis we demonstrate the platform?s potential, but also note a tension between control and cooperation. Our results indicate that, in contrast to their initial objective, during the crisis the Red Cross falls back on principles of control to organize citizen response efforts. We end by discussing our future research agenda aimed at bridging formal and emergent citizen responses.
Daniel Auferbauer, Roman Ganhör, Hilda Tellioglu, & Jasmin Pielorz. (2016). Crowdtasking: Field Study on a Crowdsourcing Alternative. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: In this paper we elaborate on the concept of crowdtasking as a form of crowdsourcing. The paper describes the setup and boundaries of a first controlled live field test of a prototypical implementation of a possible crowdtasking workflow. The implemented workflow allows crisis managers rapid intelligence gathering due to direct and tailored task distribution. Practitioners of Crisis and Disaster Management and volunteer managers who were present during the field test made favourable comments on the approach and its implementation. The analysis of the records and the conducted interviews give new insights and ideas for further development.
Denis Havlik, Jasmin Pielorz, & Adam Widera. (2016). Interaction with citizens experiments: from context-aware alerting to crowdtasking. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: The EU FP7 project DRIVER is conducting a number of experiments to assess the feasibility of addressing known deficiencies in crisis management. In this paper, we introduce experiments that investigate two-way communication solutions between crisis managers and citizens or unaffiliated volunteers. In the so-called ?Interaction with Citizens? experiments we are testing the usability and acceptance of the various methods and tools that facilitate crisis communication at several levels. This includes: informing and alerting of citizens; micro-tasking of volunteers; gathering of situational information about the crisis incident from volunteers; and usage of this information to improve situation awareness. At the time of writing this paper, our ?Interaction with Citizens? experiments are still under way. Therefore, this paper reports the lessons learned in the first two experiments along with the experimental setup and expectations for the final experiment.
Flávio Horita, João Porto de Albuquerque, Victor Marchezini, & Eduardo M. Mendiondo,. (2016). A qualitative analysis of the early warning decision-making process in disaster management. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: Early warning systems are an important means of improving the efficiency of disaster response and preparedness. However, in its analysis of the technological aspects of the infrastructure, the literature has failed to carry out an investigation of early warning process. This paper has sought to take a step toward understanding this issue by carrying out a qualitative analysis of the early warning process in disaster management. This has involved participatory observations and conducting interviews with practitioners from the National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disasters (CEMADEN). The results have shown that this research area is a promising way of increasing efficiency and reducing the response time to warnings. This might be achieved by conducting a process analysis, which could provide evidence and information about bottlenecks or investigate the misuse of information systems or tasks by the players involved.
Hossein Baharmand, Kees Boersma, Kenny Meesters, Femke Mulder, & Jeroen Wolbers. (2016). A multidisciplinary perspective on supporting community disaster resilience in Nepal. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: Fostering community resilience in the aftermath of a disaster constitutes a significant challenge and requires an adequate understanding of the community?s specific capabilities and vulnerabilities. We carried out a field study in Nepal as a multi-disciplinary research team that explored how the humanitarian response enabled community resilience after the devastating earthquakes. We explored three elements of resilience: persistence, adaptability and transformability by zooming in and out between the local community and humanitarian organizations operating at the national level. Our combined insights from three disciplines, social sciences, information management and logistics, show that humanitarian organizations operating in Nepal still primarily aimed to (re)build community resilience ?from above? instead of enabling communities to strengthen their own resilience in a bottom up way. In this paper we contend that fostering an inclusive and networked response has the potential to strengthen the adaptive capacity of humanitarian organizations and community groups and boost local resilience.
Liz Bacon, Lachlan MacKinnon, Avgoustinos Filippoupolitis, & David Kananda. (2016). Design of an Immersive Online Crisis Preparation Learning Environment. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: This paper describes the design and development of an online immersive learning environment focused on supporting the general public in awareness of, and preparation for, crisis situations. The system developed uses the PANDORA+ training environment, and integrates prior research work carried out on eLearning and Crisis Management. Specifically, it pulls together the outputs of three European funded research projects, described in the paper, which provided the authors with a rich multimedia, immersive training environment for crisis managers, experience in the management and support of a large, distributed learning exercise through a MOOC, and extensive survey information on general population awareness of crisis responses and attitudes to crisis preparation. Based on these outputs, the authors are using the PANDORA+ training environment both as a field event support tool and as a MOOC platform, to support large-scale general public crisis preparation training.
Tobias Andersson Granberg, Niklas Danielsson, Anna Fredriksson, Johan Nordstrom, Sofie Pilemalm, Richard Tjernstrom, et al. (2016). Using Semi-professionals in Emergency Response. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: The term semi-professional can be used to denote occupational groups that do not have emergency response as their primary profession but who get additional responsibilities within rescue and response, e.g. by performing a first response or assisting the professional emergency services. In this study, four different groups of possible semi-professional resources are analyzed and compared. Similarities and differences between the four groups are discussed. Factors, important for the successful implementation of a cross-sector collaboration of this kind, are highlighted. The preliminary results show that all four groups have the potential to act as semi-professional resources within emergency response. Interestingly, the basic requirements are the same for all groups, despite different prerequisites.
Zeno Franco, Katinka Hooyer, Rizwana Rizia, A B M Kowser Patwary, Mathew Armstrong, Bryan Semaan, et al. (2016). Dryhootch Quick Reaction Force: Collaborative Information Design to Prevent Crisis in Military Veterans. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Abstract: Crises range from global catastrophes to personal disasters. However, systematic inquiry on crises rarely employs a comparative approach to examine commonalities between these seemingly very different events. We argue here that individual psychosocial disasters can inform a broader discussion on crises. Our approach applies general crisis theory to a smartphone based psychosocial support system for US military veterans. We engaged in a process designed to explore how veteran peer-to-peer mentorship can be augmented with IS support to display potential early warning signs as first step toward preventative intervention for high risk behaviors. To gain a better understanding of how military veterans might benefit from such a system, this article focuses on a community collaborative design process. The co-design process used the Small Stories method, allowing important cultural characteristics of to emerge, illuminating considerations in IS design with military veterans, and highlighting how humans think about crisis events at the individual level.