Axel Dierich, Katerina Tzavella, Neysa Jacqueline Setiadi, Alexander Fekete, & Florian Neisser. (2019). Enhanced Crisis-Preparation of Critical Infrastructures through a Participatory Qualitative-Quantitative Interdependency Analysis Approach. In Z. Franco, J. J. González, & J. H. Canós (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management. Valencia, Spain: Iscram.
Abstract: Critical Infrastructure (CI) failures are aggravated by cascading effects due to interdependencies between
different infrastructure systems and with emergency management. Findings of the German, BMBF-funded
research project ?CIRMin? highlight needs for concrete assessments of such interdependencies. Driven by
challenges of limited data and knowledge accessibility, the developed approach integrates qualitative
information from expert interviews and discussions with quantitative, place-based analyses in three selected
German cities and an adjacent county.
This paper particularly discusses how the mixed methods approach has been operationalized. Based on
anonymized findings, it provides a comprehensive guidance to interdependency analysis, from survey and
categorization of system elements and interrelations, their possible mutual impacts, to zooming into selected
dependencies through GIS mapping. This facilitates reliably assessing the need for maintenance of critical
functionalities in crisis situations, available resources, auxiliary powers, and optimization of response time.