Encarnación, T., & Wilks, C. R. (2023). Role of Expressed Emotions on the Retransmission of Help-Seeking Messages during Disasters. In Jaziar Radianti, Ioannis Dokas, Nicolas Lalone, & Deepak Khazanchi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference (pp. 340–352). Omaha, USA: University of Nebraska at Omaha.
Abstract: Emergency managers rely on formal and informal communication channels to identify needs in post-disaster environments. Message retransmission is a critical factor to ensure that help-seekers are identified by disaster responders. This paper uses a novel annotated dataset of Twitter posts from four major disasters that impacted the United States in 2021, to quantify the effect that expressed emotions and support typology have on retransmission. Poisson regression models are estimated, and the results show that messages seeking instrumental support are more likely to be retransmitted. Expressions of anger, fear, and sadness increase overall retweets. Moreover, expressions of anger, anticipation, or sadness increase the likelihood of retransmission for messages that seek instrumental help.