Fatehkia, M., Imran, M., & Weber, I. (2023). Towards Real-time Remote Social Sensing via Targeted Advertising. In Jaziar Radianti, Ioannis Dokas, Nicolas Lalone, & Deepak Khazanchi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference (pp. 396–406). Omaha, USA: University of Nebraska at Omaha.
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Long, Z., McCreadiem, R., & Imran, M. (2023). CrisisViT: A Robust Vision Transformer for Crisis Image Classification. In Jaziar Radianti, Ioannis Dokas, Nicolas Lalone, & Deepak Khazanchi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International ISCRAM Conference (pp. 309–319). Omaha, USA: University of Nebraska at Omaha.
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