Daniel Auferbauer, Christoph Ruggenthaler, Gerald Czech, & Ivan Gojmerac. (2019). Taxonomy of Community Interaction in Crises and Disasters. In Z. Franco, J. J. González, & J. H. Canós (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management. Valencia, Spain: Iscram.
Abstract: Taxonomies are integral to systems engineering, as they structure our knowledge of a field and so provide the
foundation for technological development. We contribute such taxonomies for the field of Community
Interaction and Engagement in Crisis and Disaster Management, which represents the interface between
members of the public who commit to relief efforts and established organisations that have a pre-defined role in
crisis management. These actors are unified in their purpose to help those in need, but also set apart by their
organisational structures and modes of operation. We classify the actors of Community Interaction and
Engagement, as well as the interactions between them. Our contribution outlines areas where the application of
Information and Communication Technology can offer benefits to Community Interaction and Engagement.