Samaneh Madanian, David Airehrour, Marianne Cherrington, & NikhilKumar Patil. (2018). Smart Cap for Visually Impaired in Disaster Situations. In Kristin Stock, & Deborah Bunker (Eds.), Proceedings of ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018: Innovating for Resilience – 1st International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Asia Pacific. (pp. 317–325). Albany, Auckland, New Zealand: Massey Univeristy.
Abstract: Natural and manmade disasters pose a myriad of challenges, which are more severe for individuals with disabilities. Ordinarily to perform daily activities, the disabled get support from assistive technological devices and services; these are commonly disrupted during and after disasters. A proposed solution to support those with visual impairment is a cost-effective wearable 'Smart Cap'. The Smart Cap provides narratives about the surrounding environment while establishing communication between the user (the visually impaired) and a rich online reservoir of knowledge base system capable of vocalising narratives. As a proof-of-concept, this study is implemented using Raspberry Pi, the Amazon Web Services and a P-Cap fitted with a camera. The aim of this research work is to provide an assistive technology to help the visually impaired navigate their way out of any potentially disastrous situation like other citizens would. The proposed system and its usage in disaster situations is an innovative, cost-effective solution specifically addressing the needs of visually impaired persons.