Camelia Bellepeau, Hugo Bergere, Corentin Thevenet, Frédérick Bénaben, Nafe Moradkhani, & Thibaut Cerabona. (2022). Use of Physics of Decision to Assess how COVID-19 Impacted Air Pollution. In Rob Grace, & Hossein Baharmand (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 887–894). Tarbes, France.
Abstract: This article focuses on the question of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on air pollution. The chosen approach is based on the principle of “Physics of Decision” (POD), which considers: (i) the performance of a system as a physical trajectory within the framework of its performance indicators, (ii) risks or opportunities (potentialities) as forces that may deviate that trajectory, and (iii) benefits or damages (actualities) as concrete deviations of the performance trajectory. The daily data about the air pollution in Paris area (France) has been gathered for eight years (2014-2021) and three main performance indicators have been chosen. Then, the performance trajectory of each year has been plotted and the expected trajectories of 2020 and 2021 have been guessed from the previous ones. The deviation between the expected and actual trajectories of 2020 and 2021 have been assessed, and using physics and motion laws, evaluated as a deviation force.