Andrea Bellucci, Alessio Malizia, Paloma Díaz, & Ignacio Aedo. (2010). Framing the design space for novel crisis-related mashups: The eStoryS example. In C. Zobel B. T. S. French (Ed.), ISCRAM 2010 – 7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: Defining Crisis Management 3.0, Proceedings. Seattle, WA: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Web 2.0 can be viewed as a platform where users can develop their own web applications. It is also characterized by a vast amount of user-generated contents presenting spatial and temporal components, by means of associated metadata. These metadata has been successfully exploited to generate map-based mashups (web applications gathering data from different sources) facing different kind of crisis situations, ranging from natural disasters (earthquakes, wildfires, floods...) to human-made disasters (terrorist attacks, school shootings, conflicts...). The social and collaborative dimensions of the Web 2.0 can be also exploited for managing crisis-related information. We present here a survey of current crisis-related mashups we employed to extract design dimensions and provide a conceptual framework that can be used: A) to understand current systems and; b) to design next generation of crisis-related mashups. We propose the eStoryS system as an example of application developed following the design principles presented in this paper. On the basis of our analysis, we believe that the design dimensions posited here provide useful insights for the design of novel web mashups in the emergency management domain.
Paola Di Maio. (2008). Ontologies for networked centric emergency mangement operations. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 177–188). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Emergency Management, like other fields of Operations, consists of information, communication and decision making. Thanks to the pervasiveness of real time networked infrastructures, such as the internet and the web, new models of operations are emerging, designed to leverage the aggregate the power of 'collective intelligence' and 'distributed action' facilitated by 'open world' systems environments. In order to develop effective information systems capable of supporting the distributed nature of emerging 'architectures of participation', it is necessary to devise adequate 'semantic structures', which in turn rely on sound and explicit conceptual frameworks, such as ontologies. However, there aren't enough 'ontologies' in the public domain that can be referenced to establish compatibility of architectures and serve as guidelines for the development of open, neutral and accountable information systems. In this paper we a) describe and analyse the 'distributed' and 'networked' nature of emergency operations b) put forward the notion information systems to support of emergency management today should be modeled on 'distributed' and networked organizational structures, and that ontologies in this domain should be built accordingly.
Norman Kerle. (2009). AÏDA – Providing a framework for objective assessment of ICT for disaster risk management in Africa. In S. J. J. Landgren (Ed.), ISCRAM 2009 – 6th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: Boundary Spanning Initiatives and New Perspectives. Gothenburg: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: As part of its recently renewed interest in Africa, the European Commission has funded the 2-year project “AÏDA – Advancing ICT for DRM (Disaster Risk Management) in Africa”. AÏDA is primarily an inventory of the ICT situation in Africa – At continental, regional and national scales – To guide European funding decisions in R&D and capacity building in Africa. The first project objective was to develop a conceptual framework for the assessment of ICT for DRM, to serve as the basis for the in-depth regional and detailed studies in 4 countries. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the structure of this CF and its principal findings. By evaluating existing ICT achievements that are or can be applied towards DRM, but also limitations and bottlenecks, the CF can also guide governmental or non-governmental agencies focusing on DRM in Africa, as well as to target research efforts.
Ola Leifler. (2008). Combining technical and human-centered strategies for decision support in command and control: The ComPlan approach. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 504–515). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: ComPlan (A Combined, Collaborative Command and Control Planning tool) is an approach to providing knowledge-based decision support in the context of command and control. It combines technical research on automated planning tools with human-centered research on mission planning. At its core, ComPlan uses interconnected views of a planning situation to present and manipulate aspects of a scenario. By using domain knowledge flexibly, it presents immediate and directly visible feedback on constraint violations of a plan, facilitates mental simulation of events, and provides support for synchronization of concurrently working mission planners. The conceptual framework of ComPlan is grounded on three main principles from human-centered research on command and control: transparency, graceful regulation, and event-based feedback. As a result, ComPlan provides a model for applying a human-centered perspective on plan authoring tools for command and control, and a demonstration for how to apply that model in an integrated plan-authoring environment.
Muhammad Tauhidur Rahman, & Tarek Rashed. (2007). Towards a geospatial approach to post-disaster environmental impact assessment. In K. Nieuwenhuis P. B. B. Van de Walle (Ed.), Intelligent Human Computer Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM 2007 Academic Proceedings Papers (pp. 219–226). Delft: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Natural disasters often leave profound impacts on the environment. Existing disaster impact assessment methods fall short in facilitating the relief work and in conducting cross-sectional comparison of various facets of such impacts. The development of a standardized index for measuring/monitoring the environmental impacts of disasters is necessary to address this gap. This paper proposes a conceptual framework to study the environmental impacts via remote sensing/GIS based geospatial analytical approach by developing a post-disaster environmental severity index. It considers physical, social and built-in components of the environment and identifies several key indicators of disaster impacts. Through statistical decomposition of a large number of environmental impact indicators, the study proposes a composite post-disaster environmental severity index (PDESI). Mapping of the proposed index would help identification of areas and component of the environment that are severely affected by a disaster, and formulation of disaster mitigation and damage recovery plans accordingly.
Toshihisa Toyoda. (2008). Economic impacts of Kobe Earthquake: A quantitative evaluation after 13 years. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 606–617). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: The importance of distinguishing between direct and indirect losses of disasters is stressed. In order to estimate indirect losses, a conceptual framework of direct and indirect losses is presented. For the case of the Great Hanshin-Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake of 1995, direct stock losses of both the manufacturing and the commercial sectors record almost same size of big damage. As for indirect flow losses, the commercial and the other services sectors show far greater damage than the manufacturing sector. A careful statistical analysis of indirect losses using the gross regional product in the stricken area presents a new finding that the lost product and income in terms of estimated indirect losses are quite large and continue to arise for longer than 10 years, mounting to some 14 trillion yen (about US$0.13 trillion). Disaster management policy should be improved by paying attention not only to direct losses but also to indirect losses.
Zeno Franco, Nina Zumel, & Larry E. Beutler. (2007). A ghost in the system: Integrating conceptual and methodology considerations from the behavioral sciences into disaster technology research. In K. Nieuwenhuis P. B. B. Van de Walle (Ed.), Intelligent Human Computer Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM 2007 Academic Proceedings Papers (pp. 115–124). Delft: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: As the complexity of disasters increases, a transdisciplinary conceptual framework designed to address three key variables-technology, disaster severity, and human characteristics-must be developed and elaborated. Current research at the nexus of disaster management and information science typically addresses one or two of these factors, but rarely accounts for all three adequately-thus rendering formal inquiry open to a variety of threats to validity. Within this tripartite model, several theories of human behavior in disaster are explored using the response of the Federal Government and the general public during Hurricane Katrina as an illustrative background. Lessons learned from practice-based scientific inquiry in the social sciences are discussed to address concerns revolving around measurement and statistical power in disaster studies. Finally, theory building within the transdisciplinary arena of disaster management and information science is encouraged as a way to improve the quality of future research.