Clara Le Duff, Jean-Philippe Gitto, Julien Jeany, Raphaël Falco, Matthieu Lauras, & Frederick Benaben. (2022). A Physics-based Approach to Evaluate Crisis Impacts on Project Management. In Rob Grace, & Hossein Baharmand (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 134–143). Tarbes, France.
Abstract: Project management has become a standard in business. Unfortunately, the projects as well as companies are increasingly subject to major disruptions. In this context, it is of prime importance to have the ability to manage the risks inherent to these projects to best achieve their objectives. The existing approaches of crisis management in the literature no longer seem to be adapted to this new normality. The future of research lies in a more systematic crisis assessment and a better conceptualization of the uncertainty associated with risks. It is necessary to rely on the collection of heterogeneous data in order to maximize the understanding of the project environment and to find a way that best describes and visualizes the influence of crises on the project management processes. This article uses the POD approach and applies it in the context of project management to address these issues.