Abstract: Broadcasting methods, such as the radio, the television and sirens, have been the main choices for delivering emergency announcements (EA)-Also called public warnings, emergency alerts or citizens warnings-during the last 60 odd years. Unfortunately, broadcast EAs do not reach all people, and the reason for the EA and the actions required can remain unclear. Today, the high penetration of personal mobile phones offers new options to authorities. As a result, a new research and implementation area, Mobile Emergency Announcement (MEA), has emerged. The GSM Short Message System (SMS) is already deployed for MEA delivery. Simultaneously, in the World Wide Web (WWW) a novel news delivery technology, called Really Simple Syndication 2.0 (RSS) is spreading. This paper describes a concept for how RSS can be harnessed for MEA use. First, MEA requirements are briefly reviewed. Second, the eXtended Markup Language (XML) based Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) and the syndication protocol RSS 2.0 are presented. Third, the central implementation issues are presented. Finally, the proposed solution is critically reviewed.