Carolin Klonner, Melanie Eckle, Tomás Usón, & Bernhard Höfle. (2017). Quality Improvement of Remotely Volunteered Geographic Information via Country-Specific Mapping Instructions. In eds Aurélie Montarnal Matthieu Lauras Chihab Hanachi F. B. Tina Comes (Ed.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (pp. 939–947). Albi, France: Iscram.
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Josiane Rodrigues Eugênio, Lutiane Queiroz de Almeida, & Vinnícius Vale Dionízio França. (2016). Disaster risk indicators in Brazil: a case study in Rio Grande do Norte State. In A. Tapia, P. Antunes, V.A. Bañuls, K. Moore, & J. Porto (Eds.), ISCRAM 2016 Conference Proceedings ? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
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