Axel Bürkle, Florian Segor, Sven Müller, Igor Tchouchenkov, & Matthias Kollmann. (2012). Advantages of an integrated open framework for immediate emergency response. In Z.Franco J. R. L. Rothkrantz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2012 Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.
Abstract: Recent disasters have shown that wireless sensors and unmanned systems are increasingly becoming a valuable aid for first responders. Depending on the kind of incident and its extent, different assets are to be used. The more diverse these assets are, the more complex their simultaneous use and coordination. Therefore, integrated solutions are needed which comprise all necessary components such as power supply, communication infrastructure, data acquisition and processing, decision support and information dissemination. In this paper, an architecture for an open framework is proposed and its advantages over dedicated solutions are discussed. The flexibility of the universal control station presented here is demonstrated using the example of integrating a smartphone as an additional mobile sensor. © 2012 ISCRAM.
Nicholas Palmer, Roelof Kemp, Thilo Kielmann, & Henri Bal. (2012). RAVEN: Using smartphones for collaborative disaster data collection. In Z.Franco J. R. L. Rothkrantz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2012 Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.
Abstract: In this paper we describe our work in progress on RAVEN, a framework, which makes it possible to build applications for collaborative editing of structured data on Android. RAVEN offers developers compile time tools, which use only the schema to generate all database handling components, edit and list user interfaces, as well as those needed for data synchronization, significantly reducing development effort. In addition, RAVEN also offers the ability to do the same work, entirely at runtime, using only a smartphone. With RAVEN it is possible to construct data oriented applications on phone at any time, including during a disaster. Users can share their applications simply by sharing the database and corresponding schema. Thus, RAVEN enables completely decentralized application creation, sharing, and data distribution, avoiding issues of connectivity to centralized resources. In this paper we show that with RAVEN it is possible to construct a new application at runtime and compare the results with an equivalent custom-built application. © 2012 ISCRAM.
Jaziar Radianti, Julie Dugdale, Jose J. Gonzalez, & Ole-Christoffer Granmo. (2014). Smartphone sensing platform for emergency management. In and P.C. Shih. L. Plotnick M. S. P. S.R. Hiltz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings – 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 379–383). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
Abstract: The increasingly sophisticated sensors supported by modern smartphones open up novel research opportunities, such as mobile phone sensing. One of the most challenging of these research areas is context-aware and activity recognition. The Smart Rescue project takes advantage of smartphone sensing, processing and communication capabilities to monitor hazards and track people in a disaster. The goal is to help crisis managers and members of the public in early hazard detection, prediction, and in devising risk-minimizing evacuation plans when disaster strikes. In this paper we suggest a novel smartphone-based communication framework. It uses specific machine learning techniques that intelligently process sensor readings into useful information for the crisis responders. Core to the framework is a content-based publish-subscribe mechanism that allows flexible sharing of sensor data and computation results. We also evaluate a preliminary implementation of the platform, involving a smartphone app that reads and shares mobile phone sensor data for activity recognition.