Amanda Jaber, Björn Johan Erik Johansson, Linnea Bergsten, Joeri Laere van, & Peter Berggren. (2019). Evaluating the observation protocol of the Team Resilience Assessment Method for Simulation (TRAMS). In Z. Franco, J. J. González, & J. H. Canós (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management. Valencia, Spain: Iscram.
Abstract: This work in progress paper presents an initial evaluation of the observation protocol of the Team Resilience Assessment Method for Simulation (TRAMS) conducted in a crisis response simulation project. TRAMS is designed to assess the resilience of crisis response teams. The TRAMS observation protocol uses six core resilience functions from the Systemic Resilience Model as its theoretical foundation. Three independent observers used the protocol during a pilot study and six actual simulation games. Strategies relating to three out of six core resilience functions could be identified. The observations made were distributed similarly among the observers, indicating that the components of the TRAMS protocol are stable enough to continue developing the protocol. This study describes changes made to the protocol since the original design, and describes how the strategies relating to the six core resilience functions can be identified in the simulation games.