Abstract: Effective command and control (C2) is necessary to achieve and maintain superiority in military engagements. C2 is well documented in the literature and is a major focus in the military arena; however, the conventional military network topology is increasingly becoming a liability and ineffective in the new age of asymmetric warfare. The beyond-line-of-sight command and control (BLOS C2) concept is a radical shift towards a seamless joint network topology, which will dramatically increase tactical C2 across military service branches, equipment types, and geographical locations. Though BLOS C2 is still in its testing phase, this paper examines the systems thinking approach of BLOS C2 with respect to layered models, adaptation, and synergy. The implementation of the BLOS C2 “tactical Wi-Fi” concept helps fill a Central Command (CENTCOM) capability gap in support of a Contingency Plan (CONPLAN) that provides Navy Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) with a robust force protection system. © 2012 ISCRAM.