Abstract: The development of sustainable tsunami early warning systems (TEWS) requires the adoption of proven standards for components on all system levels. This is crucial to ensure the successful operation of the overall system in the long term. Currently, components, data formats and models used to build an individual TEWS come from independent development efforts, using non-standardized proprietary interfaces. Integrating these components into a TEWS requires additional work effort due to the proprietary technologies and formats. This article discusses alternative cost-effective approaches. The successful integration of the TEWS system components depends critically on the adoption and application of industry standards and good practices. From this perspective, this article examines the role of tsunami simulation models, and the challenge to integrate the data products generated from independent tsunami models for a TEWS. The significance of tsunami simulation products, consisting of data and metadata, for the overall early warning workflow is described, including data exchange (among multiple TEWS) and information visualization in combination with additional spatial information. As an outcome, the use of standardized data formats for simulation products is recommended for future work. This approach is demonstrated on a simulation of the March 2011 Tohoku-Oki mega thrust earthquake.