Guido Te Brake, Rick Van Der Kleij, & Miranda Cornelissen. (2008). Distributed mobile teams: Effects of connectivity and map orientation on teamwork. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 642–650). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Fielded first responders are currently being equipped with support tools to improve their performance and safety. Novel information technology provides opportunities for improvement of task efficiency and situation awareness, but people can get in trouble when data networks fail. In this paper, we examine the effect of glitches in the data network on team performance and look into the strategies people use to cope with these disruptions. Teams of three responders collaborated in a search and rescue task, supported by a map showing their positions and the locations of victims. Data communication required for this support was interrupted, verbal communication remained possible. Two variants were used for the map: a north-up version and a heading-up version that was aligned with the orientation of the responder. Negative effects and changing strategies were found for the condition with interruptions, no differences were found for the two map variants.
Josine Van De Ven, Richelle Van Rijk, Peter Essens, & Erik Frinking. (2008). Network centric operations in crisis management. In B. V. de W. F. Fiedrich (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2008 – 5th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 764–773). Washington, DC: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: This paper describes the approach to implement network centric operations (NCO) in the Dutch crisis management domain. NCO resolves a number of important shortcomings related to the supply and flow of information experienced in current verbal communication-based crisis management. First, we provide a description of the crisis management organization in the Netherlands and the nature of information supply problems. Second, we explain how a network centric approach would be implemented in this domain. Next, we describe how between 2005 and 2008 several regions in the Netherlands have made efforts to implement a network-approach, and we evaluate their experiences. The NCO approach reduces the need for reliability checks of verbal communication. Consequently procedures can be optimized with NCO. This paper concludes with next steps, such as continuing to explore the effects of NCO on the current way of working and train people to work in a network centric environment.