Amro Al-Akkad, & Christian Raffelsberger. (2014). How do i get this app? A discourse on distributing mobile applications despite disrupted infrastructure. In and P.C. Shih. L. Plotnick M. S. P. S.R. Hiltz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings – 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 565–569). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
Abstract: This paper aims to lead a discourse on distributing mobile applications while having no access to cloud services. While in daily life people acquire applications via application stores, the access to those stores can be severely hampered in disasters. Instead of wishful thinking, i.e. hoping that people or manufactures would pre-install an (emergency) app before a disaster, we have started to investigate into Internet-less deployment mechanisms. We discuss five potential approaches of deploying apps in an ad-hoc fashion. Each approach is assessed against six criteria, while taking a stance that the smartphone is the minimally required deployment platform. This paper concludes with the observation that current mobile operating system providers do not provide “Internet-less” deployment mechanisms, although platforms as Android allow for this. This said, we hope that this contribution can spark further interest into the discussed problematic.
Diego Fabian Pajarito Grajales, Livia Castro Degrossi, Daniel Barros, Mohammed Rizwan Khan, Fernanda Lima E Silva, Maria Alexandra Cunha, et al. (2022). Enabling Participatory Flood Monitoring Through Cloud Services. In Rob Grace, & Hossein Baharmand (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 213–223). Tarbes, France.
Abstract: Flooding events are more impactful due to climate change, while traditional top-down approaches to flood management give way to new initiatives that consider citizens and communities as active strategic actors. Researchers and practitioners have started to place communities in the centre of creation processes or invite them to co-design digital platforms. However, many citizen science projects re-use well-known technological components without reflecting about how the technology is able to effectively support citizen participation in data generation, including the provision of flexible data storage and exchange. This paper describes a novel digital platform design which adopts cloud services to integrate official and citizen-generated data about urban flooding. It summarises the results of a participatory design process of a digital platform to collect, store and exchange flood-related data, which includes components such as data lakes, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), and web and mobile interfaces. This work in progress paper presents insights and lessons learned from using cloud services to enable citizen participation and engage communities with flood monitoring.