Yasir Javed, Tony Norris, & David Johnston. (2012). Evaluating SAVER: Measuring shared and team situation awareness of emergency decision makers. In Z.Franco J. R. L. Rothkrantz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2012 Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.
Abstract: Large scale emergencies are usually responded to by a team of emergency managers or a number of sub teams for safety and efficiency. Team coordination has attracted considerable research interest, especially from the cognitive, human factors, and ergonomic aspects because shared situation awareness (SSA) and team situation awareness (TSA) of team members are critical for optimal decision making. This paper describes the development of an information system (SAVER) based on SSA and TSA oriented systems design. Validation and evaluation of the implemented design show that decision performance is improved by the SAVER system. © 2012 ISCRAM.
Jaziar Radianti, Terje Gjøsæter, & Weiqin Chen. (2021). Slaying the SA Demons – Humans vs. Technology – A Content Analysis. In Anouck Adrot, Rob Grace, Kathleen Moore, & Christopher W. Zobel (Eds.), ISCRAM 2021 Conference Proceedings – 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 946–958). Blacksburg, VA (USA): Virginia Tech.
Abstract: In this paper, we examine Situation Awareness (SA) and the application of Endsley's Demons of SA in different contexts and research areas and perform content analysis to examine how they are used, and to what degree they are perceived as stemming from human error or weaknesses in technology and if any suggestions for mitigation are primarily focused on the human or the technology side. Based on our findings, we propose universal design as a tool that can counter the effects of the demons of SA by improving the usability and accessibility of SA-supporting technology and thereby removing barriers to SA, rather than challenging the users to overcome not only barriers that are a result of the complexity of the situation itself, but also additional barriers that are caused by inferior and suboptimal design of the technology in use.
Jill L. Drury, Gary L. Klein, Jennifer Mathieu, Yikun Liu, & Mark Pfaff. (2013). Sympathetic decisions: Incorporating impacts on others into emergency response decision spaces. In J. Geldermann and T. Müller S. Fortier F. F. T. Comes (Ed.), ISCRAM 2013 Conference Proceedings – 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 199–209). KIT; Baden-Baden: Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie.
Abstract: We designed two decision support tools and employed them during a one-week, simulation-driven experiment that included emergency responders acting in their real-life roles. Each tool visualized a “decision space”: A diagrammatic depiction of the relative desirability of one option versus another, including the inherent uncertainty in the potential outcomes. One requirement was to develop a tool accounting for the impacts of decisions on others, so that emergency responders can make “sympathetic decisions.” For example, one decision space enabled responders to request resources from surrounding jurisdictions while also considering the potential negative effects on the lending organizations. Another decision space enabled responders to engage in a strategic dialogue with the public: “listening” to the public's greatest concerns by mining social media to measure emotion, and thereby suggesting strategic communications addressing those concerns. We report how we designed the decision spaces and the qualitative results of using these spaces during the experiment.
Joeri van Laere, & Kristens Gudfinnsson. (2022). Continuous Systematic Situation Monitoring: Pitfalls and Possibilities. In Rob Grace, & Hossein Baharmand (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 460–468). Tarbes, France.
Abstract: Situation pictures are helpful to make sense of what is happening and to prevent further escalation. These situation pictures are typically text- or map-based and focus on the current effects of the crisis. For long-lasting transboundary crises that impact many critical infrastructures and different parts of society directly and indirectly, such situation pictures have limitations. Crisis management teams might benefit from continuous monitoring of societal performance indicators, so the current situation can easily be compared with historical and future data to reveal trends and escalations. This research project explored how a successful approach for systematic monitoring of indicators in crime prevention could be transferred to crisis management. Several pilot studies revealed nine challenging pitfalls and six promising possibilities. The findings of this study can inform future research on how continuous systematic situation monitoring can strengthen societal resilience.
Björn J.E. Johansson, Charlotte Hellgren, Per-Anders Oskarsson, & Jonathan Svensson. (2013). Supporting situation awareness on the move – The role of technology for spatial orientation in the field. In J. Geldermann and T. Müller S. Fortier F. F. T. Comes (Ed.), ISCRAM 2013 Conference Proceedings – 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 442–451). KIT; Baden-Baden: Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie.
Abstract: The study presented in this paper has investigated how technology can support spatial awareness when moving in wooded terrain. By “spatial awareness”, we refer to the ability to point in the approximate direction of several objects while navigating in unknown terrain. The ability to localize objects in the terrain has importance for emergency operations, for example firefighting and search and rescue operations. A field experiment was conducted with two conditions, one with technical support and one without. The results show that technical support in terms of GPS, digital maps and electronic compass can dramatically improve the ability to accurately indicate directions to objects. Further, findings concerning use of tests on spatial orientation to predict the ability to indicate directions to objects in the terrain when having no technical support are presented.
Julien Coche, Jess Kropczynski, Aurélie Montarnal, Andrea Tapia, & Frédérick Bénaben. (2021). Actionability in a Situation Awareness world: Implications for social media processing system design. In Anouck Adrot, Rob Grace, Kathleen Moore, & Christopher W. Zobel (Eds.), ISCRAM 2021 Conference Proceedings – 18th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 994–1001). Blacksburg, VA (USA): Virginia Tech.
Abstract: The field of crisis informatics now has a decade-long history of designing tools that leverage social media to support decision-makers situation awareness. Despite this history, there remains few examples of these tools adopted by practitioners. Recent fieldwork with public safety answering points and first responders has led to an awareness of the need for tools that gather actionable information, rather than situational awareness alone. This paper contributes to an ongoing discussion about these concepts by proposing a model that embeds the concept of actionable information into Endsley's model of situation awareness. We also extend the insights of this model to the design implications of future information processing systems.
Paul Klapwijk, & Leon J.M. Rothkrantz. (2006). Topology based infrastructure for crisis situations. In M. T. B. Van de Walle (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2006 – 3rd International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 504–512). Newark, NJ: Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium.
Abstract: Recent terrorist attacks and natural disasters have forced humanity to respond to crisis situations effectively as possible. In these situations especially the first hours rescue workers cannot always rely on existing communication infrastructure. Knowledge about the situation is to be gathered to obtain an aggregate world model of the situation. Decisions can be taken based on this world model. The solution we propose consists of using a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET), in which the nodes are organized in a topology in order to facilitate the necessary functionalities. Communication between the nodes takes place via a distributed blackboard structure. This architecture supports services developed with the purpose of assisting rescue workers. The agents (humans/sensors) in the network provide data as input to the network. Our approach takes care of processing of this input data to provide users with appropriate information and to obtain a shared world model. As a proof of concept we implemented a prototype of our approach on a number of mobile devices and tested the idea in real life.
Craig E. Kuziemsky, Tracey L. O'Sullivan, & Wayne Corneil. (2012). An upstream-downstream approach for disaster management information systems design. In Z.Franco J. R. L. Rothkrantz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2012 Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.
Abstract: Information is an essential part of disaster management. Information systems (IS) are a key means of providing the right information at the right time to support response to a disaster, and fostering collaborative facilitators such as situation awareness, common ground and communities of practice. However for these collaborative facilitators to support 'downstream events' (i.e. disaster response) they need to emerge and be grown from 'upstream' activities such as user engagement. Subsequently IS design requirements for disaster response are embedded in the community where a system will be used and it is from the community users and their needs that IS requirements must emerge. This paper presents an upstream-downstream approach for disaster management IS design. We describe four phases to user centered information systems design to support disaster management and provide a case study of using this approach in action to design an IS to enhance community resilience. © 2012 ISCRAM.
Vitaveska Lanfranchi, Suvodeep Mazumdar, & Fabio Ciravegna. (2014). Visual design recommendations for situation awareness in social media. In and P.C. Shih. L. Plotnick M. S. P. S.R. Hiltz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings – 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 792–801). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
Abstract: The use of online Social Media is increasingly popular amongst emergency services to support Situational Awareness (i.e. accurate, complete and real-time information about an event). Whilst many software solutions have been developed to monitor and analyse Social Media, little attention has been paid on how to visually design for Situational Awareness for this large-scale data space. We describe an approach where levels of SA have been matched to corresponding visual design recommendations using participatory design techniques with Emergency Responders in the UK. We conclude by presenting visualisation prototypes developed to satisfy the design recommendations, and how they contribute to Emergency Responders' Situational Awareness in an example scenario. We end by highlighting research issues that emerged during the initial evaluation.
Vitaveska Lanfranchi, Stuart N. Wrigley, Neil Ireson, Uta Wehn, & Fabio Ciravegna. (2014). Citizens' observatories for situation awareness in flooding. In and P.C. Shih. L. Plotnick M. S. P. S.R. Hiltz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings – 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 145–154). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
Abstract: Citizens' observatories are emerging as a means to establish interaction and co-participation between citizens and authorities during both emergencies and the day-to-day management of fundamental resources. In this paper we present a case study in which a model of citizens' observatories is being been translated into practice in the WeSenseIt project. The WeSenseIt citizens' observatory provides a unique way of engaging the public in the decision-making processes associated with water and flood management through a set of new digital technologies. The WeSenseIt citizens' observatory model is being implemented in three case studies based in the UK, the Netherlands and Italy. We describe the findings and our experiences following preliminary evaluations of the technologies and the model of co-participation and describe our future research plans.
Gitte Lindgaard, Devjani Sen, Milica Stojmenovic, Sonny Lundahl, Patrick Noonan, Cathy Dudek, et al. (2010). Deriving user requirements for a CBRNE support system. In C. Zobel B. T. S. French (Ed.), ISCRAM 2010 – 7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: Defining Crisis Management 3.0, Proceedings. Seattle, WA: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: When an adverse event escalates into a criminal investigation, it becomes very difficult to control and combine information into a manageable format. The PROBE project addresses this problem by developing two generations of working prototypes capable of undergoing live field tests and evaluation by a wide-ranging community of CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosives) responders. The paper reports the derivation of preliminary user requirements for PROBE based on interviews and observations of a large-scale simulated CBRNE exercise. Five Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers shadowed specialists representing different responder agencies (Emergency Medical Services, police, hazardous materials expert) during the three-hour exercise. Relying on cognitive ethnography, a variant of the concept of distributed cognition, video and audio recordings were merged with notes taken during the exercise and used to derive the preliminary user requirements. The study showed that these could be extracted from a relatively small set of behaviors and different types of utterances made by the active participants in the exercise. The paper concludes with a take-away message for researchers wishing to observe CBRNE exercises in which the command post event management team is collocated.
Jonas Lundberg, & Mikael Asplund. (2011). Communication problems in crisis response. In E. Portela L. S. M.A. Santos (Ed.), 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: From Early-Warning Systems to Preparedness and Training, ISCRAM 2011. Lisbon: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: This paper describes five problem areas of communication that occur during crisis response. These areas are communication infrastructure, situation awareness, individual and organizational common ground, form and content of messages, and communication paths through organizations. Five focus groups with Swedish field personnel from national and international crises were performed. The main contribution of this article is a hypothesis, based on the outcomes of the focus groups, about the relation between communication problems and how they interact with crisis response work.
Mahshid Marbouti, Craig Anslow, & Frank Maurer. (2018). Evaluation results for a Social Media Analyst Responding Tool. In Kees Boersma, & Brian Tomaszeski (Eds.), ISCRAM 2018 Conference Proceedings – 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 480–492). Rochester, NY (USA): Rochester Institute of Technology.
Abstract: We take a human-centered design approach to develop a fully functional prototype, SMART (“Social Media Analyst Responding Tool”), informed by emergency practitioners. The prototype incorporates machine learning techniques to identify relevant information during emergencies. In this paper, we report the result of a user study to gather qualitative feedback on SMART. The evaluation results offer recommendations into the design of Social Media analysis tools for emergencies. The evaluation findings show the interest of emergency practitioners into designing such solutions; it reflects their need to not only identify relevant information but also to further perceive the outcome of their actions in social media. We found out there is a notable emphasis on the sentiment from these practitioners and social media analysis tools need to do a better job of handling negative sentiment within the emergency concept.
Mahshid Marbouti, Irene Mayor, Dianna Yim, & Frank Maurer. (2017). Social Media Analyst Responding Tool: A Visual Analytics Prototype to Identify Relevant Tweets in Emergency Events. In eds Aurélie Montarnal Matthieu Lauras Chihab Hanachi F. B. Tina Comes (Ed.), Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response And Management (pp. 572–582). Albi, France: Iscram.
Abstract: Public and humanitarian organizations monitor social media to extract useful information during emergencies. In this paper, we propose a new method for identifying situation awareness (SA) tweets for emergencies. We take a human centered design approach to developing a visual analytics prototype, SMA-RT (“Social Media Analyst Responding Tool”), informed by social media analysts and emergency practitioners. Our design offers insights into the main requirements of social media monitoring tools used for emergency purposes. It also highlights the role that human and technology can play together in such solutions. We embed a machine learning classifier to identify SA tweets in a visual interactive tool. Our classifier aggregates textual, social, location, and tone based features to increase precision and recall of SA tweets.
Maria Mikela Chatzimichailidou, Stefanos Katsavounis, & Ioannis M. Dokas. (2015). A Measure of Systems Self-Awareness. In L. Palen, M. Buscher, T. Comes, & A. Hughes (Eds.), ISCRAM 2015 Conference Proceedings ? 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Kristiansand, Norway: University of Agder (UiA).
Abstract: In order to be proactive to accidents, there is a need to limit systems? threats and vulnerabilities by being able to perceive and comprehend them as early as possible. Under this notion, the concept of ?risk Situation Awareness provision capability? is introduced, indicating that the elements of a system, tangible or not, have an impact on the enhancement or degradation of the awareness, in reference to its threats and vulnerabilities. As a means of measuring this capability, a methodology, based on existing yet not combined methods, i.e. STPA hazard analysis, EWaSAP early warning sign identification approach, and dissimilarity measures, is offered. This paper looks at analogous SA measurement techniques and finally discusses some limitations and future research directions.
Ulrich Meissen, Markus Hardt, & Agnès Voisard. (2014). Towards a general system design for community-centered crisis and emergency warning systems. In and P.C. Shih. L. Plotnick M. S. P. S.R. Hiltz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2014 Conference Proceedings – 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 155–159). University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University.
Abstract: Early Warning Systems (EWS) provide an effective measure for better disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation. The effectiveness of EWS depends highly on the ability to distribute alert message to the persons that will be affected. In this context mobile devices play already a vital role in the ability to reach people in time and at the endangered location. Most existing approaches focus on mass dissemination methods via SMS and Cell-Broadcasting. As these approaches are effective to inform masses about a disaster with one message for all they have their weaknesses in telling the people how to respond according to their location and provide individual guidance (e.g. by maps) within specific communities. Research in disaster management gives strong evidence that the later is often crucial for better disaster response. Accordingly, we witness an increasing demand for more community-centered warnings systems solutions. This paper introduces the general foundations and architecture for alert services on mobile devices that adapt incoming alert information to the profile and situation of user groups and even individual users. The approach is scalable for different communitycentered warning systems. Its first applicability and community engagement effects are shown in the example of the community-centered public disaster alert system in Germany and a target group specific weather hazard alert system, KATWARN and WIND with currently over 2.5 million subscribed users, which was developed by the authors.
Michael E. Stiso, Aslak Wegner Eide, Ragnhild Halvorsrud, Erik G. Nilsson, & Jan Håvard Skjetne. (2013). Building a flexible common operational picture to support situation awareness in crisis management. In J. Geldermann and T. Müller S. Fortier F. F. T. Comes (Ed.), ISCRAM 2013 Conference Proceedings – 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 220–229). KIT; Baden-Baden: Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie.
Abstract: Decision support systems for emergency management tend to focus on making a lot of data meaningful to particular users via a common operational picture (COP). This paper describes one such system, but one that goes further by making the COP flexible enough to support multiple users. Large crises involve frequent role switching between different actors in a response. Hence, predicting the support needs of a given user of a COP is difficult at best, complicating the design process. The solution described here is to use interactive information overlays to enable different users to fit the COP to their particular SA needs. The design was evaluated in two user workshops and a demonstration. In general, it was well-received, but domain experts cautioned that the tool must be usable not only in large crises but in everyday operations, or else it will not be used.
Mickael Babin, Nada Matta, Guillaume Delatour, Paul Henri Richard, & Patrick Laclemence. (2022). How to Support Situation Awareness in Operational Crisis Management: Case Studies. In Rob Grace, & Hossein Baharmand (Eds.), ISCRAM 2022 Conference Proceedings – 19th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 225–232). Tarbes, France.
Abstract: Situation awareness is created through the dynamic process of perception and action and serves as a foundation of overall performance throughout many different domains, such as education, military operations, air traffic control, driving, search and rescue, and crisis management [Endsley, 2006]. Information sharing is an important factor to be consider in situation awareness. In this paper, we present how tools can support information sharing in crisis management. So, we study how crisis management team dealt with two exercises using firstly whiteboards and secondly, CRIMSON a digital decision support tool.
Sung Pil Moon, Yikun Liu, Steven O. Entezari, Afarin Pirzadeh, Andrew Pappas, & Mark Pfaff. (2013). Top health trends: An information visualization tool for awareness of local health trends. In J. Geldermann and T. Müller S. Fortier F. F. T. Comes (Ed.), ISCRAM 2013 Conference Proceedings – 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 177–187). KIT; Baden-Baden: Karlsruher Institut fur Technologie.
Abstract: We developed an intelligent information visualization tool to enable public health officials to detect healthrelated trends in any geographic area of interest, based on Twitter data. Monitoring emergent events such as natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and terrorism is vital for protecting public health. Our goal is to support situation awareness (SA) for personnel responsible for early detection and response to public health threats. To achieve this goal, our application identifies the most frequently tweeted illnesses in a ranked chart and map for a selected geographic area. Automated processes mine and filter health-related tweets, visualize changes in rankings over time, and present other keywords frequently associated with each illness. User-centered visualization techniques of monitoring, inspecting, exploring, comparing and forecasting supports all the three stages of SA. An evaluation conducted with experts in health-related domains provided significant insights about awareness of localized health trends and their practical use in their daily work.
Jason R.C. Nurse, Sadie Creese, Michael Goldsmith, Rachel Craddock, & Glyn Jones. (2012). An initial usability evaluation of the secure situation awareness system. In Z.Franco J. R. L. Rothkrantz (Ed.), ISCRAM 2012 Conference Proceedings – 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vancouver, BC: Simon Fraser University.
Abstract: The importance of situation awareness systems in crisis-management scenarios cannot be emphasised enough. These systems enable entire disaster situations to be mapped out in a real-time fashion thereby aiding significantly in human decision-making and the necessary positioning, management and deployment of resources. As a result of the core role these systems play in responding to crises, it is vital that they are highly usable and optimized for human cognition and experience. In this paper we consider this reality in the context of an initial evaluation of the visualisation interface of a situation-awareness tool called Secure Situation Awareness (SSA). Our evaluation seeks to gather useful feedback from potential end-users on the usability of the tool's interface to feed into the design and development of interfaces for similar systems. © 2012 ISCRAM.
Stijn Oomes. (2004). Organization awareness in crisis management: Dynamic organigrams for more effective disaster response. In B. C. B. Van de Walle (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2004 – 1st International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 63–68). Brussels: Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium.
Abstract: Disaster response organizations are ad-hoc assemblies of multiple emergency services that collaborate with the goal to minimize the number of casualties and possible (infra)structural damage. In order to be effective, emergency personnel not only needs shared awareness of the situation but also awareness of the organization. We propose an organization awareness support system that contains a dynamic organigram that provides people with a real-time visualization of the organization that they belong to. © Proceedings ISCRAM 2004.
Stijn Oomes, & Martijn Neef. (2005). Scaling-up support for emergency response organizations. In B. C. B. Van de Walle (Ed.), Proceedings of ISCRAM 2005 – 2nd International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (pp. 29–34). Brussels: Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium.
Abstract: We present the design of an information system that supports the process of scaling-up of emergency response organizations. This process is vital for effective emergency response but tends to go awry in practice. Our proposed system consists of multiple distributed agents that are capable of exchanging organizational information. Each agent assists one part of the organization by visualizing the organization and allowing the user to update the information of its closest collaborators. When the agents communicate, they exchange and merge their organizational representations. The structure of other parts of the organization is updated indirectly through multiple interactions between different agents. We tailor our design to two specific procedures that are in common use today: the Coordinated Regional Incident Response Procedure (GRIP) that is applied in the Netherlands, and the Incident Command System (ICS) that is used in a number of areas in the United States of America.
Raj Prasanna, Lili Yang, & Malcolm King. (2011). Evaluation of a software prototype for supporting fire emergency response. In E. Portela L. S. M.A. Santos (Ed.), 8th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management: From Early-Warning Systems to Preparedness and Training, ISCRAM 2011. Lisbon: Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM.
Abstract: Despite recent work on information systems, many first responders in the UK Fire and Rescue Services (FRSs) are unable to develop sufficient understanding of the situation to enable them to make good decisions. As a partial requirement of the development of information system for the UK fire and rescue services, a software prototype consisting of a number of human computer interfaces are developed and subsequently evaluated to explore how to present useful information for firefighters during their response operations. This paper exclusively discusses the findings arising from end-user demonstration sessions conducted via participative type of prototype evaluation which is aimed to understand the appropriateness and usefulness of the proposed software prototype. This paper contributes to improve the designing of the human computer interfaces and human computer interaction for supporting fire fighters during fire emergency response.
Rémy Bossu, Robert Steed, Gilles Mazet-Roux, Caroline Etivant, & Fréderic Roussel. (2015). THE EMSC TOOLS USED TO DETECT AND DIAGNOSE THE IMPACT OF GLOBAL EARTHQUAKES FROM DIRECT AND INDIRECT EYEWITNESSES? CONTRIBUTIONS. In L. Palen, M. Buscher, T. Comes, & A. Hughes (Eds.), ISCRAM 2015 Conference Proceedings ? 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Kristiansand, Norway: University of Agder (UiA).
Abstract: This paper presents the strategy and operational tools developed and implemented at the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) to detect and diagnose the impact of global earthquakes within minutes by combining « flashsourcing » (real time monitoring of website traffic) with social media monitoring and crowdsourcing.
This approach serves both the seismological community and the public and can contribute to improved earthquake response. It collects seismological observations, improves situation awareness from a few tens of seconds to a couple of hours after earthquake occurrence and is the basis of innovative targeted real time public information services.
We also show that graphical input methods can improve crowdsourcing tools both for the increasing use of mobile devices and to erase language barriers. Finally we show how social network harvesting could provide information on indirect earthquake effects such as triggered landslides and fires, which are difficult to predict and monitor through existing geophysical networks.
Robert Power, Bella Robinson, David Alexander, & Mahesh Prakash. (2018). Predicting Demand for Government Services during Disaster Events. In Kristin Stock, & Deborah Bunker (Eds.), Proceedings of ISCRAM Asia Pacific 2018: Innovating for Resilience – 1st International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Asia Pacific. (pp. 89–96). Albany, Auckland, New Zealand: Massey Univeristy.
Abstract: Smart Service Queensland (SSQ) is the 'front door' to the Queensland State Government in Australia, providing services and information for citizens and businesses. Services are delivered through online channels, call centres and face-to-face service centres. Rostering to adequately staff the call centres during business as usual demand is well supported using existing workforce planning tools and content management systems alongside real-time telephonic monitoring. However, during times of large scale emergency events, such as floods and tropical cyclones, effective workforce planning heavily relies upon experienced SSQ personnel constantly monitoring and updating call centre staffing levels leading up to and during the disaster event to ensure customer demands are met. Achieving the right balance of call centre servicing without over provisioning is a challenging task. We present a prototype analytics tool that supports the SSQ Forecast Analyst responsible for workforce planning during disaster events and provides initial results of modelling caller behavior during two recent tropical cyclones. The tool provides a single point of reference to a wide collection of relevant datasets, including population demographics and details of the natural and built environment, data feeds describing the emergency event under investigation, relevant social media posts and call centre operations metrics. The tool is an early proof of concept demonstrator highlighting the utility of data integration, web mapping, real-time event monitoring, and predictive modelling.